20 years ago: Someone circumcised me. That hurt but they say I will go to hell if I won't get with the program.
16 years ago: I graduated from Elementary. I thought I did not get a medal but my teacher told me she forgot to mention it. But only after I got scolded at home.
14 years ago: I was partnered with my crush in a Values project. That year was a demonstration of puppy love: Math quiz bee, Chess medals. I was still under pressure to bring home those circular metals.
12: years ago. Graduated from high school. Nothing special except I've started delving deep into existential nihilism. Well there was this one play that made me famous for a month -- which for a while there got me thinking I might have a future in acting (or rather, looking stupid on-stage or on camera)
My first girl friend was from the internet. I was pretty modern I guess, since now online dating is the craze.
10 years ago: I fell so madly in love I literally almost died (well killed myself that is)
8 years ago: I graduated from college without any serious academic achievement except pissing my professors off since I come to class with only a pen and paper..and lots of philosophy to boot. I thought it was fun back then to play the rebel genius anti-hero persona. Got everything right except the genius part.
I also got to see Hong Kong and all those rich chinitas.
7 years ago: I joined TrendMicro and it's hellish training. It was one of the best times of my life.
5 years ago: I finally got to see THE America. It was anti-climactic.
4 years ago: I finally got to see NASA!!! It was amazing.
2 years ago: I moved to another company. The decision made me better and fatter (literally and figuratively). It was also an amazing year in meeting someone. Too bad I was not able to mate. :P Let me get away with the chess terminology
1 year ago: Saw Geneva. Just okay.
And here we are...moved to Florida and all...shucks it seems I've still done so little. I thought I was gonna be someone well-accomplished by now.
Re-focus. Re-commit. To the childhood dreams of old.
"Stay hungry, stay foolish".
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