Friday, October 21, 2011

Rant Friday.

People prefer to say quotable phrases with artfully stretched truths (i.e. subtle lies). Wit is more valuable than honesty. Humor more appealing than frankness. Most claim they prefer the truth, but not really...they just want you to quote them on that.

So how about we get over it already and be more honest with ourselves?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

The greater part of the generation of my circle of the world was dominated by two figures:
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Steve Jobs' story is something you could get from an epic fantasy novel depicting the tale of a small hero taking on the Goliaths of his time, and succeeded. And himself turn into an antagonist and was dramatically taken down. As the hero he will embark on a quest of self-discovery and a mere 10 years later he is once again riding on top of the world and will do so ever since.
His story is dramatic in part to the way he tells it...arrogant but alluring which makes him both well-hated and well-loved.

Bill Gates' story some would say is a boring management book. There were some questions to the ethics by which he achieved things -- by employing methods well accepted in business but abhorred when you are very good at it. His story was plain boring and his rise to the top was methodical and straight forward. Almost everybody who never achieved what he has hated him -- although deep inside it was a manifestation of envy for who does not want success?

Over 3 decades since they have started, it still amazes me how much their impact is in our world today. Steve Jobs' second act was magical and he seems to conjure magical products all the time.

Bill Gates seems to be more low key since focusing on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation -- but is solving some key human problems that no iPhone could (okay..maybe there's an app "Save the world" that I don't know of). The foundation's research into solving hunger, diseases, and education are very appealing and noble efforts that are changing the world every day also.

The Khan Academy ( that he is supporting seems to be one of the great best things that happened to human civilization from my point of view.
Of course I have to dramatize for Bill since he presents it and his life in a very boring manner.

Amazing how these two men have achieved and contributed so much. I wonder how they will be looked at 100 years from now -- I hope on the same pedestal as Einstein, Edison, and Pamela Anderson (who stole my innocence and youth!)

Saturday, July 23, 2011